Progress Update #3
A new portion of Spectrum development updates is here!
🔁 Spectrum.DEX
💎 Core
- Liquidity Mining (Yield Farming) contracts on ErgoScript are done 🌱
- JavaScript SDK for Liquidity Mining is in progress.
🛠 Backend
In this repo you can observe the SQL requests on how we will extract data from the Ergo blockchain. This data will be used for rewarding historical participants with the SPF token when it will be launched. Details soon (including community review) on Spectrum Labs Twitter.
🎨 Frontend
In the next release you may expect:
- Pending tx indicator moved to transaction history button;
- New body font styles;
- Ergopay support.
Also working on Cardano testnet launch. There are still some minor issues we have to fix.
The user interface for Liquidity Mining (Yield Farming) on Ergo is almost done, but need to battle-test it.
Oh, and a Secret UI for the token launch is done 😉
🐞 Bugs fixed
- The “About” link is fixed, sorry for that 😅
- Now a user shouldn’t refresh the page after nitro or slippage or selected address change.
Contact us if you have any questions. Also don’t forget to subscribe to our socials to keep abreast of all Spectrum events. Stay tuned for more updates next week!