ErgoDEX technical update #3

27 Dec 2021–10 Jan 2022

Spectrum Network
2 min readJan 10, 2022

We’ve been busy since Christmas, and we have done a lot since the new year has begun! We mostly focused on the Cardano side, but there were also some improvements to the Ergo side as well. Enjoy the update!

User interface


  • Added all protocol pool positions view;
  • Fixed bugs with fees in all forms;
  • Added a new structure called Currency (on the background, you will not see it in the user interface). It will enable the front-end team to adapt any SDK for the UI development. Swap and Deposit forms now work much faster;
  • Added Token input fractions limitation depending on asset info;
  • Improved internal hook performance;
  • Fixed bugs with form input/output/deposit calculations;
  • Added slick animation to Swap form.



  • Added some use-cases of how to troubleshoot Yoroi Nightly issues.

Backend and Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts (Cardano)

Contracts (Cardano)

  • Contracts complexity and size optimized. Introduced “erased” contracts with all custom type wrappers removed;
  • Data size optimized. The number of required data constructors decreased.

Execution Bots (Cardano)


  • Complete application wiring;
  • Tested deploy/init pool via cardano-cli;
  • Testing deploy/init pool via our own app(private);
  • Fixed submit-api integration with cardano-explorer(private);
  • Fixed cardano-sdk-submit-api;
  • Update tracker, pool resolver for new contract version;
  • Added helper(related with datums, redeemers etc.) API into instance generator repo(private).


  • Added Sentry for Dev environment;
  • Small fixes with sentry variables at CI/CD;
  • Team instruments integrations: Git, Slack, Asana, Sentry;
  • Release from tag and semver for frontend app;
  • Working on monitoring for servers.

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