ErgoDEX technical update #1
(6 Dec 2021 — 13 Dec 2021)
You know that ErgoDex is an open and transparent project with an open-source code base. But keeping track of updates through repositories in GitHub is not very convenient. So we decided to keep a blog with weekly tech updates to keep everyone informed. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand, but, come on, these are technical updates, it has to be difficult.
So here’s what happened last week:
User interface
Updated issue with logo. Now it works as expected.
Updated global Form components (on review). Greatly improved performance and speed. Now the Form almost does not consume RAM.
Finishing with language support. Thanks to a community member for his help in translating ErgoDEX interface into Portuguese and German languages.
Backend and Smart Contracts
Execution Bots (Cardano side)
Services Tracker and Executor were updated with wrapped Kafka integration. Also, Bots were successfully integrated with Cardano SDK.
JavaScript SDK (Cardano side)
SDK was successfully updated with Datum-keeper to enable a possibility for third party integrations.
Created a new auxiliary off-chain service, Datum-keeper.
Datum-keeper is a simple HTTP-API application which allows other apps to integrate within Cardano SDK. The main purpose of the Datum-keeper is to save the received data in PostgreSQL as pairs (DatumHash ➡️ Datum) for the possibility of further ensuring the search for the corresponding data
What is currently complete:
Web server configuration updates:
- configured media content caching and compressing;
- logging optimization;
- security updates: Added security headers, all non-public environments were hidden;
- apps configuration refactoring: split log output, log level settings, clean up all deprecated paths.
Automation and CI/CD:
- Pipeline for front app for different environments.
Coming soon:
- Alerting and error catching for the front app using Sentry with
- CI/CD for the backend.
- Monitoring, Alerting, Log aggregation
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